UK Customs Entries Services To Import Goods
The Company hereby confirm our receipt and acceptance of Cargo Overseas Limited's current terms and conditions, which are the BIFA Trading Terms and Conditions (current edition). Additional copies of which can be found on BIFA's website.
We "The Company" declare that: Cargo Overseas Limited are appointed to act on behalf of us , The Company, in the capacity of a Direct Customs Agent in accordance with clause 21.1(a) of the Taxation (Cross Border) Trade Act 2018 (TCTA 2018). Note: In accordance with Customs Code, a Direct Representative acts in the name of and on behalf of another person. In relation to import/export declaration, the importer/exporter will be liable for any customs debt arising from the declaration.
By agreeing to this agreement, The Company and Cargo Overseas Limited agree to be bound by the terms and conditions detailed in this form.